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Thursday 9 October 2014

Kim Kardashian Marriage Causing Hair Loss? Kanye West May Be Too Controlling

Is Kanye West too controlling of Kim Kardashian?
Not the hair!

Kim Kardashian is reportedly so stressed due to her marriage to rapper Kanye West that she is experiencing hair loss.
“Kim is so stressed her hair is even falling out,” a source tells the Enquirer. “What you can’t see is that she’s suffering an emotional collapse, too.”

The reason behind it all is her husband of five months. The couple married in Florence, Italy on May 24, but Kanye’s controlling behavior has reportedly been too much for the reality star to deal with.
One thing they have been fighting over? More children.

West and Kardashian “are having constant fights over the timing of having another baby,” an insider told RadarOnline earlier this year.
 “Kim has made no secret for her desire to get pregnant right away with another baby,” the source continued. However, Kanye reportedly wants to wait and is not ready for daughter North to have a sibling.

Back in December, on her Mobio Insider page, Kardashian said her long-range plans include having a bigger family.

North West Fashion Moments

“In 10 years I see myself raising a family of three children possibly and just loving life with my husband and our children,” she said.
 But it seems Kim’s plan may have to be put on hold for now, and maybe she should head to the nearest hair salon.

Do you think Kanye is too controlling? Comment below or tweet us @ktrendynews.

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