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Monday 13 October 2014

Egypt minibus collision kills 30 people..

At least 30 people have been killed and more than a dozen injured after three minibuses collided in southern Egypt’s Aswan province.
The minibuses were believed to have been speeding, a senior security source said. The vehicles are often used as informal taxis.
The accident occurred on a desert highway near the historic town of Edfu, the source said.
Traffic accidents are common in Egypt, with hundreds killed every year.

Poor maintenance of both roads and vehicles, excessive speeding and reckless driving are blamed for the high number of incidents, reports the BBC.
In August, two tour buses collided in Sharm el-Sheikh, killing 33 and injuring 41.
Last November, at least 26 people were killed and 28 injured when a train crashed into a minibus and other vehicles south of the capital, Cairo

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