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Monday 14 July 2014

Is Kanye West Really That Controlling? Inside Kim and Kanye's Bizarre Marriage

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West head to the Chateau de Versailles to start off their wedding weekend __USA ONLY__Lights, camera, “I do”s! Sparing no expense on their extravagant and highly publicized May 24 nuptials, Kim Kardashian and Kanye West made sure that their declaration of love was broadcast around the world. However, with barely a smile cracked during their prewedding trip to Paris, a honeymoon spent in front of the computer and Kim’sincreasingly uncomfortable appearance as a newlywed, insiders are coming out with freakish details of what their marriage is really like behind closed doors.

Since the pair first hooked up in April 2012, Kanye, 37, has never shied away from singing his bride’s accolades, but beyond praising Kim’s appearance and “brand,” there isn’t much else the rapper has to say. “All Kanye ever mentions about her are her looks, hailing her as a ‘work of art,’ ” says a source. “You’ll never hear him talk about how they unwind together or their favorite restaurants and movies. His only concern is that Kim stays beautiful and that she keeps her monetary empire strong.”

Kim Kardashian_ Kanye West and daughter North West seen leaving their apartment in Paris with Kris Jenner.
So it’s no surprise that the reality star, 33, has developed an unhealthy obsession with her looks, even going so far as removing a tiny scar from her big toe on an episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians! “Between the high-end beauty products, Botox and fillers, Kim spends thousands of dollars a month on her appearance just to live up to Kanye’s unrealistic expectations,” reveals the source. “She even lets him inspect her body once a week for imperfections and immediately books an appointment with a plastic surgeon if he decides something needs to be fixed. She’s become a doll for him.”

When it comes to Kim’s wardrobe, the rapper also runs the show, and the insider claims that all her outfits must be Kanye- approved. “He’ll spend hours dressing her up like his personal mannequin, and it’s something she happily agrees to,” the insider shares. If he isn’t with her, Kim sends him a photo, like of the cleavage-baring blazer she wore out in NYC on June 16. “Kim wasn’t comfortable wearing the heavy jacket out on a summer day, but Kanye insisted, even instructing her to keep it buttoned, since that’s how he thought it looked best,” says the source, adding that Kanye will often personally call famous designers to have all his family’s clothing, even their daughter North’s, custom made!
MANHATTAN_ NY _ June 16_ 2014_ Kim Kardashian out and abut in Soho on June 16_ 2014 in New York City_ New York
At the end of the day, the insider believes that there isn’t much love between the pair, since both of them are focused on the business of their marriage. “All their conversations are about fashion and their appearance. It’s unbelievable the length that these two will go to in order to stay in the spotlight.”

Do you think Kanye is too controlling? Tweet us @ktrendynews.

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